登入到TCU Moodle 慈大魔豆非同步教學平台

TCU faculty members, students, and staff can click on the red button above to log in.
平台管理聯繫窗口(Contact Person):
施晟逸( #11581 ) chengyi1050919@gms.tcu.edu.tw
Google Chrome 76 / Mozilla Firefox 64 / Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11
※Microsoft Edge微軟最新版的作業系統 Windows 10之預設瀏覽器,可下載檔案但目前無法正確辨識中文檔名講義
For problems regarding Moodle or non-school users
Contact Cheng-Yi Shi, (03)856-5301 ext. 11581, or chengyi1050919@gms.tcu.edu.tw
※Please note your browser version. Minimum version requirements are listed below:
Google Chrome 76 / Mozilla Firefox 64 / Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11